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A new inquiry into the trade-votes. Regeni: today the witness is Giulio's father

Il notiziario di RaiNews24 in lingua inglese, l'edizione del 9 aprile

The Council of Minister's meeting regarding the DEF, the economic and financial document that contains only the trend of the Italian economy, but not the definitive data. A new inquiry into the trade-votes, after the cases that came to light in Bari and Turin. This time Palermo is under the spotlight,  where  former city councilman Mimmo Russo has been arrested. Important hearing in the trial for the torture and murder of Giulio Regeni. In court today as a witness Giulio's father.

Checks on trucks and protests against counterfeit food at the Brenner Pass. The protest of Italian universities against the agreement with Israeli universities. Yesterday in Naples clashes between protesters and police in the heart of the city during an anti-NATO and pro-Palestinian demonstration. That of the Torlonia family is the richest collection of private ancient art in the world. Only part of it has been made public,  and in June more than 60 works will be on display at the Louvre. Soccer. Inter moved closer to clinching the 20th Serie A title of their history, after their win against Udinese.